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1966 jaguar 3.8 blue classic classic car jaguar mkii vintage vintage car 1966 Jaguar 3.8 MK.II About two years ago I heard about a 1966 Jaguar 3.8 MK.II which was for sale in Tzaneen. I phoned the owner and after a short discussion I ...
austin healey classic car evolution of the classic car jaguar MGB vintage car Evolution of the Classic Car movement As the 20th Century drew to a close, we seemed to look back as much as forward, pining for what were, as we see it, better times. We can...
e-type jaguar leopard lodge spring news Spring news Winter is at an end and, hopefully, mild blissful summer days lying ahead. Time to pull out the 'ol' lady' and give her a good d...
aston martin austin healey classic car jaguar MG old car passion vintage car The passion for classics 1953 Austin Healey BN1 There are few, if any, pieces of hardware as emotive as the car. With the birth of car designers rather than pure en...
austin healey classic car investment jaguar old car purring vintage car Purrring softly... It doesn't take much to lift the spirit when things have not been going well. I was sitting in my Jaguar the other night, warming the en...
aston martin austin healey classic car classic era jaguar sports car vintage car The Classic Era These days we are hooked on nostalgia. As hopeless escapists, nothing feeds our need better than an old car - a CLASSIC car. After the Secon...